
Faced with the problem of the lack of qualified workers on the labour market and the lack of young generations from the educational system we are forced to internally organize the training of the workforce for deficit occupations like pipe fitter, welder- REL, TiG and TiG/REL, and automation technician.

We conduct schooling and training at our production location in Jankomir where our welding instructors and proven craftsmen create new generations of pipe fitters and welders. We conduct the beforementioned training internally from the base of existing employees or for potential candidates from the labour market who want to retain and stay working for us.

Aware of the importance of investing in human capital and as a socially responsible company we continuously invest in the professional training of existing employees and we offer both high school and university students the opportunity to carry out professional practise in order to gain valuable experience on the projects we deal with during their studies.

We are hiring

We are continuously looking for quality workforce to add to the existing team, with the desire to further strengthen the market position both within Croatia and in surrounding markets.

Below we list the currently open positions:

  • Licensed engineer in the mechanical and or civil engineering position

  • Engineer – intern mechanical or civil engineering

  • Welder- TIG/REL

  • Pipe fitter

  • Locksmith

  • Excavator operator

  • Car electrician

  • Crane operator

  • Driver C/C+E/D category CODE 95

  • Car electrician

  • Bricklayer

Become part of a successful team

Do you want to join us as a future satisfied employee, or do you want to do an internship with us or write a final or graduation thesis? Contact us, send us your resume and/or application letter. Contact us, send us your resume and/or application. The automatic e-mail address for contact

Application form

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